Guide To Taking Up Education Loan In Singapore
Education loan Singapore is a serious financial commitment you should consider if you are planning to further your higher education studies in Singapore. This unsecured loan helps you continue your studies with more ease in mind and lesser worries about financial stress, because it helps with upfront payment for your education. Unless you can qualify for the governmental loans of CPF Education Scheme or MOE Tuition Loan (read more - ), chances are that the education loan is a necessity. There are a few factors in play when getting an education loan in Singapore. Before we delve deeper into the factors, let us look at the education loan avenues in Singapore. Banks are financial institutions that disburse various education loans. Among the banks that offer the loans, DBS and OCBC are some of the popular choices of interests. If you take up $20,000 in education loan as principal loan amount, you can pay 4.5%...